
Menopause Action Plans: New government commitment to supporting menopause at work

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Organisations with more than 250 employees must provide a Menopause Action Plan

The new Labour government have stated that all companies with more than 250 staff must have a Menopause Action Plan.

Deputy PM Angela Rayner said that “Employers will be required to submit their plans annually to the existing government portal used for gender pay gap reporting” .

Creating a Menopause Action Plan for businesses is key to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment and is a great starting point to support menstrual health in your workplace.

But what is a Menopause Action Plan?

Start by pledging to raise awareness through training and educational programmes about menopause and its impact on employees. Flexible working policies, like remote work options and adjustable hours, can help those experiencing symptoms balance manage them better whilst eliminating the impact on their working life.

It's also important to provide access to specialist health and wellness resources, including tailored support from practitioners who can provide realistic and positive insight into menopause, its impact and how to reduce and manage symptoms.

Encouraging open conversations and reducing the stigma around menopause will help create a supportive culture: training, awareness-raising literature and discussion groups can really help with this.  

And of course implementing, regularly reviewing and updating policies to address the changing needs of employees ensures the workplace stays inclusive and responsive to the challenges of menopause.

The tip of the iceberg

Don’t forget, though, that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Around 30% of your female staff will be going through the menopause at any one time. Whilst around 40% of women will be struggling with their periods.

Adding wider women’s health into your menopause work with us here at Halcyon won’t cost a whole lot more but will massively increase your staff productivity, morale and retention:

Workplace Gender Equality Agency found that companies who support gender equality and women’s health see a 22% higher retention rate.    PwC agree, stating that women who believe their employer supports their health and wellbeing are 3 times more likely to stay with their employer for more than 5 years.

If you’d like to look at implementing a Menopause Action Plan, or want a chat about wider women’s health support then please get in touch today. 

We can help you to easily meet the new government requirements (and more)!